Monday, April 3, 2006

My Doubt has Deep Roots: An Introduction to Myself (from previous blog)

Hello to anyone who may be viewing my blog. Please allow me to intoduce myself, even though it may be a long and boring process. Well, that's a bit deceptive. It won't be incredibly long as there really isn't that much you need to know about me. I'll start with the basics.

I'm a student at the University of Florida studying to become a high school history teacher. I'll be graduating this December and hopefully by next fall I'll be in a teaching position. I'm getting pretty burnt out with school at this point. I keep myself busy with various things (i.e. blogging and the like) to put off doing my school work. The only thing I really enjoy studying at the moment is Christian Apologetics. You will probably find this to be a common theme in future posts.

Growing up, I was surrounded by strong Christians who brought me up with a knowledge of the Word. I accepted Christ as my personal savior at a very young age and was baptized in a Southern Baptist church (I currently attend an Anglican church) shortly thereafter. Since then I have experienced both high and low points in my relationship with Christ. A big struggle for me recently has been doubt. Sometimes I find myself wondering what separates Christianity from any of the other major world religions. In my heart, I know the truth, but occasionally my intellectual curiosity and pride hinder me from knowing God in the fullest way possible. I fear that my tendency to doubt my faith is something that will not pass quickly. As a result, I will most likely be posting questions and asking for your comments or even questions in response to some of the specific issues I struggle with.

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